Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Home Learning: Episode Five

Well, I don’t know about you all but it has been a frustrating week here.

A seemingly simple assignment, read the science text and answer the questions, required help every five minutes. I know she CAN do this on her own. It has taken WAY longer than I think it should and I keep biting my tongue.

Mostly we’re getting math, ELA, science, reading and writing from her teacher. I’m trying to add in some art, music, and exercise.

It’s weird having school at home for the kids, I’m sure. Home has always been the place to relax for her, but now she is being faced with different expectations. And I don’t know if I’m being reasonable in my level of expectations.

Sometimes she’ll do an assignment, “I’m done!” I look at it and say, “No, you’re not. That doesn’t answer the question, or only half answers it.”

I try to think back to what I was like in 4th grade and I don’t remember, barely an impression. I can’t even remember what 4th graders were like when I was substitute teaching.

This morning I was just trying to break up her assignments for the week so that she would be able to work on a couple every day and be done by Friday night and have the weekend off. But looking at that much work laid out gave her a bit of anxiety. She’s not used to seeing it all that way.
Yes, she made me cry today. But she’s an empathetic little bug so that made her cry too.

I’d like to be able to focus on teaching her, but I’ve got my own work to do. It’s not an easy balance. So, I’m researching resources for working with kids at home. Anyone have something to add?




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