Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Adventures in Home Learning: Episode 29


Things are going reasonably smooth here for home learning so I thought I’d share a collection of thoughts on a variety of topics related to home learning and raising a pre-teen daughter.

Our library has a great page of resources for children at I highly suggest checking out what your public library makes available from home. It can be a great resource for ideas and research from reputable sources.

I’ve just picked up a couple new books for the munchkin from our library, more anime. She’s been more faithful with her Japanese practice on Duolingo than I expected. She really seems to enjoy learning new words in Japanese. (Apparently the app also reminds her daily.)

We’ve also started slow with some art, at least coloring and free hand drawing. (Anime based drawing for her, no surprise.) She colored one of the mandalas in my coloring book, pictured above.

One area where we haven’t done as well, is in maintaining social contacts for her. I feel bad because she’s an only child and we’ve been home together here for a lot of the time. I think of Little House on the Prairie and how they at times lived very isolated lives, but at least they had siblings. We do play games with her and have fun together, as well as having her help with chores and cooking together.

I just feel bad that she isn’t getting any time with her best friend. It took a while to connect with her mother and get a good phone number, then the munchkin hasn’t seemed inclined to call. It’s now been over six months since they spoke. She did ask to do a video call with her cousin recently and we’ll make that happen but lining the schedules up can take some time.

The holidays are coming and that will be hard for a lot of people. My husband and I are homebodies, we like spending time here together, and won’t miss the family gatherings as much as lots of other people. To us, it’s just one year.

The munchkin and I have been talking about what we want to do for Halloween. I need to come up with a bit more decorations for indoors than we normally do, I think. She wants a pumpkin pie, I said that was fine with me. I want a good movie that is atmospheric, rather than really scary. I think we need to make a list of movies she might like that would be appropriate, and that are available on a streaming service.

We’ll be doing Thanksgiving at home, and I’ll set up a Zoom with family for sure. Christmas will likely be the same. Being in a Polish family, gatherings are largely centered around food, a bit hard to do with masks on.

A little bit off the topic, but on topic for anyone raising a child these days. As the mother of a pre-teen girl, one thing I’m always concerned about is promoting a healthy body image. I emphasize strength over being thin, and eating a balanced meal over portion size. But I still wonder if there is something I should or shouldn’t be doing. I came across this article this weekend and it was both comforting and informative, so I thought I would share it.

How to Foster Healthy Body Image in Children by Lindsay Taylor, PhD

Good luck with your schooling adventure!

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