Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Home Learning: Episode 15

Well, the schedule has pretty well been a hit. She likes to adhere a little more strictly to it than is easy for those of us trying to work, but I can live with that.

Today I suggested we plug in the little hand held vacuum to charge while she did a math worksheet, then she could vacuum the stairs once it was charged. She didn’t like that at all. “No, chores are at ten to ten-thirty.” O-kay.

I suggested picking mulberries outside, but she just said, “later.” I told her if she waited that she wouldn’t get any, the birds would get them. She rushed out and I was able to stay inside and work, with the window open. J She was hopping around, trying to reach the lowest branches of the tall, old mulberry tree. 

She is growing up so quickly. For the first time, she asked me to sit on the other bunk bed in her room while she went to sleep instead of sitting on her bed. She said she was working up to going to bed on her own. I’m proud, looking forward to it, but also there’s a little ache in my heart. She’s growing up and needing me less. I’ve longed for that, but now that it’s here, it makes me sad too. A precursor to moving away. (I know it’s 8 years off, but the last 10 went so fast!)

She has dived into the reading bit on her schedule. I was somewhat surprised. She sorted the books on her little book case in her room and made piles of things to give away, sorting what she has to read, and asked for a few things. I’m happy to try to keep her supplied. I’d like her to stretch her imagination and try writing some more stories, but I’m happy with her drawing characters too.

It makes me a bit sad that the munchkin is turning into such a loner during this time. She Zoom chatted with her cousin once but hasn’t seemed inclined to do so again. We tried to connect with the mother of her best friend, but had no response. She wrote a letter to her friend and we mailed it but there has been no response to that either.

Personally, I’m enjoying this minimalist time, but I like being alone and I have my family. I wish she at least had her friend to talk to on the phone. I’m checking on whether she can talk with a friend’s daughter who she has met on one or two occasions.

The rain has done a good job of perking up our little kitchen garden. Still only one pumpkin plant, but everything is leafing out and getting bigger. Here's hoping for a bumper crop this year!

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