Friday, May 14, 2021

Book Review: The Witchcraft Mysteries by Juliet Blackwell


The Witchcraft Mysteries

by Juliet Blackwell

This is a long running series with the 11th set to come out soon, which I found via my library’s digital catalog. I’ve now read through the sixth book, A Vision in Velvet, and don’t find myself tiring of it at all. It’s a cozy paranormal mystery with a light touch of romance.

Lily Ivory is a natural witch who just happens to have settled in San Francisco and opened a vintage clothing store. She doesn’t shy away from using her witchcraft but not indiscriminately. For example, Lilly can sense some of the past of the owners of the garments, and she uses her magic to cleanse them of those impressions before she resells them. Brewing is her area of expertise, using supplies from the garden she seems adept at nurturing.

Lily had a difficult childhood, growing up in a town with people who were not okay with her natural talents, and her parents were not nurturing. Her grandmother raised her and taught her, but the town ran Lily off before she could finish her training, so Lily has a lot of learning left to do.

One of her closest friends, who runs an herbal counter out of her vintage clothing store, is Bronwyn. She is a witch too, but of a more conventional nature. Through her store, Lily begins making good friends for the first time in her life.

Over the course of the first few books, there are several romantic entanglements with several different men as Lily searches for someone she can be herself with. She also acquires a rather unusual familiar who is part gargoyle and goblin but transforms into a potbellied pig. He can be a bit unethical but he’s very cute.

If I were pressed, I’d say the one thing that slightly annoys me with the books is the way the author information dumps details that don’t change from book to book, such as who and what her familiar is, her friends like Bronwyn, and the store itself, instead of weaving the information into the story. It’s a minor irritation and soon past.

Each book brings Lily up against a mystery, a demon, other witches, and a wide variety of difficulties. Each story is unique, picking up on urban legends, history of witch hysteria, or love curses. Each story has offered something different and I can’t really say which one was my favorite of those I’ve read. I can say that I think Lily ends up with the right guy. I just hope they manage to stay together, since I still have several books to read in the series.

The books that I’ve read has been thoroughly enjoyable, engrossing, and satisfying. There is just enough depth to make the story satisfying while staying light enough to make it relaxing. A perfect cozy mystery.


Secondhand Spirits

A Cast Off Coven

Hexes and Hemlines

In a Witch’s Wardrobe

Tarnished and Torn

A Vision in Velvet

Spellcasting in Silk

A Toxic Trousseau

A Magical Match

Bewitched and Betrothed

Synchronized Sorcery (forthcoming)



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