Friday, December 16, 2011

The Sugar Queen ~ Sarah Addison Allen

The Sugar Queen
by Sarah Addison Allen
The first thing that meets the eye when you pick up a book is, of course, the cover, and the covers of Sarah Addison Allen’s books are lushly beautiful.  The Sugar Queen cover shows a young woman curled up on a window seat with big purple pillows and an open book, looking out into the woods - an enticing vision for any lover of books.  I’ll admit, covers often factor into whether I will pick up a book to begin with.  However, that is not why I picked up this book.  No, it was because of the most effective marketing for books ever introduced, word of mouth.  It was recommended to me by one of our library volunteers.  The cover was just a bonus.    

The Sugar Queen centers around four couples.  Josey, who lives in a big house helping to care for her mother, is secretly in love with the mailman, Adam.  She fills the void with sweet treats and romance novels at night.  Then Della Lee Baker takes up residence in her closet, hiding from her abusive boyfriend Julian, and starts pushing Josey out into the world, into new experiences. 

Josey meets Chloe at the sandwich shop she owns.  Chloe is stalked by self-help books, they simply appear whenever they have something to tell her such as Finding Forgiveness.  Her boyfriend, Jake, cheated on her and Chloe broke up with him but she is struggling with how much she still loves him. 

Finally, Josey’s mother Margaret has been in love with the local cabdriver, Rawley, for forty years.  In fact, they were once lovers, but now he never speaks to her.

Allen makes much of the interconnectedness between the couples, intertwining the stories further, giving the story a small town feel.  It turns out Josey’s new friend, Chloe, is good friends with Adam, who is also a friend of Jake.  Then Julian and Chloe meet at a bar and Julian begins charming Chloe, in stalker fashion.

Full of Southern charm, romance and magical realism cross paths in the books of Sarah Addison Allen.  The Sugar Queen is sweet and short but with surprising depth.  I highly recommend it.

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