Friday, November 11, 2011

Ghost Story ~ Jim Butcher

Ghost Story
by Jim Butcher

Hell’s bells, it’s the return of my favorite smart ass wizard.  Okay, he’s dead, but that’s not going to stop Harry Dresden.  This is urban fantasy at its best.  

A quote comes to mind from The Princess Bride.  This book has it all – “Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles.”  Okay, maybe not giants, but if not, it’s got everything else.  I think it even has a quote from The Princess Bride.

Harry Dresden is a wise-cracking detective, a wizard in modern day Chicago.  Now, he’s also a ghost.  As such, Harry has a huge disadvantage in this book, no magic.  So many action adventures follow a typical pattern and give you little new to consider.  Though the last book was titled Changes, this book continues the changes and growth of characters.  This is definitely different from the others, but it just keeps getting better. 

Like a phoenix, Harry rises from the ashes, but he also evolves.  As one who can generally guess what is coming next in a plot, the unexpected is always a joy and Butcher does not disappoint.  This is not a regurgitation of past plots. The conclusions that Harry reaches, the truths found, and the realizations make for a very satisfying read.  What’s been done can’t be undone and Harry has to face the consequences.  As in real life, everything is not going to be okay, but life goes on and people have to deal with it.  There are still some people prepared to help Harry though. 

This is the 13th book in the Harry Dresden series.  These don’t stand alone particularly well.  I definitely recommend starting at the beginning.  Relationships change and grow, people come and go, and events referred to in future books are crucial for understanding Harry and his world.

Harry Dresden is a hero for all times, with or without his magic, because he cares.  I will be eagerly anticipating the next book in the Harry Dresden series.

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